Amazing Birchbox Coupon!!! Plus free stuff!! Code for 15% off for a one year subscription!!


This is one of those rare times (ok maybe not “I saw Bigfoot” rare, but still pretty rare) that Birchbox becomes so cheap it really is paying for itself. For a 1 year subscription enter code GLAMLATINA15 and get 15% off.  That’s $7.79 a box. Aaaaand when you do your surveys and get the 50 points with each box that’s $2.79 a box! Don’t forget to add your two free gifts and amika blow dryer in the bonus shop for free! Plus 93 points added right away! Wow such a great deal.

Enter your code here:

Or get two why not? I did!  Just gift yourself another subscription and get 15% off that too!

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